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"Milan Miščević"
Towards an online multilingual tool for automated conceptual database design (2022-09)
D. Brdjanin, M. Grumic, G. Banjac, M. Miscevic, I. Dujlović, A. Keleč, N. Obradović, D. Banjac, D. Volas, S. Marić, Towards an online multilingual tool for automated conceptual database design, Intelligent Distributed Computing XV (SCI, volume 1089), pp. 144 - 153, Sep, 2022 -
An Approach to Automatic Layout of Eclipse Papyrus Class Diagrams (2019-11)
M. Miscevic, D. Brdjanin, An Approach to Automatic Layout of Eclipse Papyrus Class Diagrams, Proc. of the 27th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR-2019), pp. 1 - 4, Nov, 2019